appropriate 的双语例句

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appropriate 的双语例句


is necessary to become acquainted with the relevant material from an appropriate textbook on structural mechanics. Otherwise critics run the risk of misleading。 。

is necessary to become acquainted with the relevant material from an appropriate textbook on structural mechanics. Otherwise critics run the risk of misleading。

南非语 阿拉伯语 孟加拉语 粤语 现代標准汉语 荷兰语 法语 应用法语,如商用法语,为职业课程。 德语 应用德语,如商用德语,为职业课程。 现代希腊语 古吉拉特语 现代 希伯来语 印地语 爱尔兰语 为母语 爱尔兰语 为第二语言 义大利语 日语 马尔他语 马来语 曼岛语 旁遮普语 波斯语 波兰语 葡萄牙语。

nan fei yu e la bo yu meng jia la yu yue yu xian dai 標 zhun han yu he lan yu fa yu ying yong fa yu , ru shang yong fa yu , wei zhi ye ke cheng 。 de yu ying yong de yu , ru shang yong de yu , wei zhi ye ke cheng 。 xian dai xi la yu gu ji la te yu xian dai xi bo lai yu yin di yu ai er lan yu wei mu yu ai er lan yu wei di er yu yan yi da li yu ri yu ma er ta yu ma lai yu man dao yu pang zhe pu yu bo si yu bo lan yu pu tao ya yu 。

Americans/First Nations peoples view this as a Western concept.  Kehoe, Alice B. Appropriate Terms. SAA Bulletin. Society for American Archaeology 16(2), UC-Santa。

(PDF). [2009-06-19]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2018-01-07).  The APA Resolution on Appropriate Therapeutic Responses to Sexual Orientation A Comment by Gregory M. Herek。

et al, Report of the American Psychological Association Task Force on Appropriate Therapeutic Responses to Sexual Orientation (PDF), American Psychological。

2010-05-15 [2013-05-20]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-03).  Samantha C. Thrift. Appropriate the Stereotype: Cultural Appropriations and the Queer, Lesbian, and Gay。

Online Etymology Dictionary. 2001 [2017-02-16]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-07).  Appropriate Therapeutic Responses to Sexual Orientation (PDF). American Psychological。

. Retrieved January 29, 2009. American Psychological Association. "Appropriate Use of High-Stakes Testing in Our Nation's Schools." APA Online, available。

Browser writers are experimenting with extensions to HTML and it is now appropriate to draw these ideas together into a revised document format. The new。

Congress shall determine, in accordance with constitutional processes, appropriate action by the United States in response to any such danger. The President。

History. 1996. ISBN 978-0-942299-82-3. OCLC 35293440.  Kehoe, Alice B. Appropriate Terms. SAA Bulletin. Society for American Archaeology 16(2), UC-Santa。

Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics consensus statement on the scope and appropriate use of the term probiotic.. Nature Reviews. Gastroenterology & Hepatology。

– rather, sexuality is stable over time for the majority of people.  Appropriate Therapeutic Responses to Sexual Orientation (PDF). American Psychological。

(PDF)于2023-03-31). It is considered that the phrase “Lunar New Year” is more appropriate for formal usage than “Chinese New Year”  Aslaksen, Helmer. The Mathematics。


principal behind the assignments seems to be that, of the historically appropriate pairs of letters g~z, k~c, and h~s, the letter with the fewer dots is。


Ramsden, Michael; Cannings-John, Rebecca; Hawthorne, Kamila. Culturally appropriate health education for people in ethnic minority groups with type 2 diabetes。


language) which reverts an ASCII'fied Turkish text by determining the appropriate (but ambiguous) diacritics normally needed in Turkish but missing in。

Force. Report of the American Psychological Association Task Force on Appropriate Therapeutic Repsonses to Sexual Orientation (PDF). [2019-02-24]. (原始内容存档。

的一所混合教育中学,是新加坡福建会馆的附属学校之一。该校成立于1947年,曾是新加坡的传统南洋华校之一。该校目前在特别辅助计划(SAP)下培养精通双语和双文化的学生。 南侨中学至今培育了三名总统奖学金得主,学校也因文化教学的灵活性得到新加坡华人社群的高度评价。该校现为新加坡领先的资讯科技学府之一,也。

Central Monthly Journal of Party Affairs, February 1929: "It is really not appropriate to say that the five ethnic groups are a republic. There are more than。


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